America's Boating Club
                   Golden Isles

Boating Courses

Introductory Course, for the boating public




Register for Oct 12,2024 ABC class



Can't wait? America's boating Club offers online courses and seminars >>click here for information

Advanced Courses for USPS members and the boating public

Elective Courses-for USPS members and the boating public

Public Seminars

USPS has a series of short seminars covering specific topics of interest to boaters.  Some of the topics that are available now cover GPS, chart reading, VHF radio usage (including the Digital Selective Calling feature found on all new radios), and on-board weather forecasting.  These seminars are usually taught in a single two-hour class.   A student note book is included, along with a take-away guide or other items that are useful on your boat. Seminars on other topics are now being completed, and will be released in the near future.  Get more information on USPS’s public seminars.

Also check USPS boating Courses here.



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